Hey! I’m Sarena!

I help bold, creative entrepreneurs like you rock your biz to the bank!
That’s my jam.
Find your Business Bliss with Sarena Miller and Business Betterment

Get the Sweetest  SALES KITTM FREE!     Let’s Go!

Wondering if you can turn that passion or calling into a tangible business but you just don’t know WHERE to start?

Maybe you are really GOOD at what you do, but you need more clients…(like, yesterday).

Ever feel like there are a bajillion other peeps doing what you do, “does this world really need another (_______)?” fill in the blank.

And, ugh…there is SO much out there, you feel lost in the vortex of uncertainty and overwhelm, everywhere you turn “gurus” are telling you the magic secret to a million clients is something different than the magic secret they told you about last week…

At the end of the day, do you find yourself wondering in frustration, “I feel like I’m working all the time, where’s the money, honey?!”


For the last decade + I’ve also had front row seat
to these problems that plague all women in biz!

But hold tight. Sunny skies ahead, sister!
Things CAN turn around – quickly!


I’m Sarena!

Your Chief Kick-in-the-Pantser, Business Blossomer, creative alchemist. Entrepreneur, artist, soulful, kick-butt, vintage-loving vegan here to help you shine and super importantly – rock your biz to the bank.

Good news:
I have already done the work laying down that yellow brick road, step-by-step process so you know exactly what to do – and when.

So you get results. So you don’t waste time, money & energy trying to piece together the puzzle.

All the while doing it in a way that feels good. Organic. Uniquely YOU.

Sarena Miller BusinessBetterment

You are ready, take my hand, I’ll show you the rest of the way.
(You’ve always had your ruby slippers, babe).

Grab your red ruby slippers! - Sarena Miller BusinessBetterment

“My business would not be where it is today without Sarena’s program.”
“I highly recommend to any entrepreneur who wants to build a successful business with real professional support. Sarena Miller is the real deal!!”
– Liliana DeLeo

Liliana DeLeo TEDX Speaker
Little Boss-BusinessBetterment-Sarena Miller

Little Boss in the making…

I started my first business at 5 years old, selling handmade greeting cards door to door – for 25 cents a piece.

And people bought them.

And let me tell you…back then, that dough bought you way more candy!

Thus began my artistic and entrepreneurial adventures.

Find your Freedom & creativity with the help of Sarena Miller and BusinessBetterment.com

Freedom & creativity…

It was always about freedom & creativity, not having a 9-5 that sucked my soul dry, rather, doing work that allowed me to make a difference AND make money!

To live the lifestyle that I knew was possible, even as a star-gazing kid.

(Frankly, I also wanted to be my own boss because I didn’t like being bossed around, heehee).

It wasn’t always skittles & sunshine…

Started another biz at 23, while still in school. I was on the entrepreneurial quest for many years.

The trenches, baby. Hustle. Sacrifice. Failure. Disappointment.

Made a sh*t ton of mistakes. (Pssst, learn from mine so you don’t have to).

Yup. It wasn’t always easy…sometimes it felt SOOOO hard!


But those lessons are GOLDEN to me now. And to the entrepreneurs I serve. Grateful.

A lifelong career in sales & marketing & entrepreneurship and YES…I am proud to say, MANY WINS & VICTORIES later – I ALSO KNOW WHAT IT TAKES TO MAKE IT HAPPEN.

Most importantly

I’ve been able to share my knowledge, experience, marketing & sales know-how to help countless others…

  • get wicked-awesome results in their businesses,

  • do work that lights THEM up,

  • show up bolder and brighter…

  • …and make a whole heck of a lot more money from their passion.

  • From newbies to million-dollar biz owners.

Pretty sweet.

My income literally jumped from $1, 500 a month to $ 9, 000 a month by the end of 6 months.”Clients are now contacting and seeking me out and the funny thing is at the moment I don’t even have business cards or a website yet!” – Velcia Annell Scott

Velcia Annell Scott

So, if you are wondering… “Can I really do this?”

Unicorn with magical unicorn horn

(YUP. You can.)

If you have the seed of desire to build your dream biz, you have the power to make it happen.

And I’d love to help you do it.

I’m not your average business “coach” or consultant.

Get your gloves on! Sarena Miller BusinessBetterment
(But you could probably already tell). 😉

YOU aren’t your average run-of-the-mill-anything, either.

You are here to BE YOU, Boo!

The world is waiting for your magic…your genius…your gifts.

And this ain’t no new kid on the block, or, “I took a class and a pretty picture for my website, now I’m gonna tell you how to run your biz” nonsense.

If this is your business – not a hobby – you simply cannot afford to waste any time, money or energy. (Feel me?)

The Business Betterment MethodTM is a time-tested & proven system that works.

The culmination of over a decade’s work, and my promise of “no fluff just good stuff.”

If you are looking for soulful strategies that feel good (and that WORK),

You’ve come to the right place!

“I was referred to Sarena by a friend… who had wonderful things to say, it transformed things for her. I decided to invest in myself and my business. It more than paid for itself… My business has quadrupled.
– Rosalie Levi

Rosalie Levi - Interior Design - RosalieLevi.com
Sarena & Frieda