Are We There Yet?

Are We There Yet?

Just like a pigtailed kid in a pink gingham dress who is combatting the wave upon wave of nausea caused by the boat-like suspension and the velvet seats of an early 1980’s Chevrolet – we want to know, when do we get to the FAIR?

We want to know when is it time for the fun…the money? When do we arrive at success? What more do we need to DO until we get to the next level? What more must we ENDURE?

That’s a question that many (okay, most) business owners find themselves asking.
But in this video I talk about why this is the wrong question to ask, and what our attitude needs to be instead. Less than 3 minutes long, worth a listen! No nausea guaranteed. 😉

Sarena 🙂

Watch the video here!

With love,

About the author: Sarena is the Chief Kick-in-the-pants-er, Business Blossomer and Soulful Sugar Sister who helps people transform their businesses from “meh” to MAGNIFICENT. With the heart of an artist and spirit of an entrepreneur, she dishes sugar & spice advice so you can make more moolah from your passion. Her refreshingly down-to-earth and down-to-business approach brings both JOY & RESULTS to her beloved clients.